How to Have a Great Amount of Assets on the Search Engines - The Digital Practitioner

Monday 12 March 2018

How to Have a Great Amount of Assets on the Search Engines

One of the main focuses of a website should be on getting a lot of assets on the first page of the search engines. This effectively knocks other competitors off the same page. This means that the company has more assets to get more clicks and traffic than the competitors. This all translates into more sales for the company.

Many people say that micro sites are the best way to do this action. A micro site is a site that is a small version of any other site. They are usually one to three pages big and they do not have much content. These are very popular for smaller internet marketers to use because they can get a lot of these assets up in a short amount of time.
However, this is not a good thing to do. The recent update to a major search engine has basically crushed this model as an SEO tactic. Many people used to get different domain hosts and use these small micro sites to point to their main website. However, the big search engine figured out this tactic and now penalizes a person for using this tactic.
It is also very difficult to get a micro site to rank on a search engine because of the lack of content. The new model of the internet is built around content. This means that a site with very little content is already behind the 8 ball when comes to getting ranked on the search engines. The search engines want to see a lot of content before they begin ranking a site. Therefore, a site with one to three pages will usually be nothing but a complete waste of SEO time and money.
The best thing to do is to develop a multitude of media assets. This includes videos, PDFs, and possibly audios (that can be pushed through pod cast networks). Not only does this increase the amount of engagement that a person can have with a company, it also helps the business compete for SEO slots developed for those media types (which also take up room on the first page when available).

Different media types give a user a lot of leeway in the way they like to be communicated to on the internet. Even though the internet is very much a text based medium, there are still people who like to watch videos on the internet. There are people who also like audio on the internet (mostly because they like to listen to the internet while they work or do something else).
In conclusion, a business is better off when they have a lot of assets to take up room on the search engines. These assets should be diversified and not micro sites as micro sites tend to no longer work on the search engines. Therefore, a business that spends their time generating different types of assets are businesses that are able to grab more spots on the search engines than their competitors. This leads to greater sales and more success.
Scott Buendia is an internet marketing expert who is well known for his SEO, social media, and marketing prowess. Check out his companies website at []. You can connect with here as well,

by: S. Buendia  
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