Long gone are the days of placing a quarter page ad in your local newspaper and sitting back to wait for the clients to come in. When they come in. If they come in. Hmmm, where are they?
Yes, for me the days of traditional advertising methods are dead, and this should be the case for all businesses especially those within the health care industry. In our professions we deal on such a personal level with our clients and aim to provide an exceptional service, offering the best products and treatment.
With the tools at our disposable that are literately available on our smart phones it is inexcusable, not to mention financial insanity to be spending thousands on traditional advertising methods. However, so many practices are still going down this route, spending silly amounts of money for something that is at best creating awareness, but in reality, is simply a total waste of money.
If you are not currently running Facebook and Instagram ads for your Healthcare Practice, be it Optical, Dental, Chiropractic, Physiotherapy or any other field, then you need to read on!
If you are running ads but are not seeing a tangible benefit, then you also need to read on.
Let’s look at the key components of an effective ad
The biggest mistake most people and business make when running any ad campaign be it traditional or digital is that they are not clear on who it is they are exactly targeting their ad towards.
When considering the design, image and copy to use in any ad you run for your practice it is imperative that you identify the person for which the ad should be targeted. This target customer or avatar is the nucleus from which all other ad components must work together in harmony to nourish with avatar rich material.
Without taking the time to identify your avatar your ad will be aimlessly placed in front of the general populous in a hit and hope fashion that turns into a very expensive lottery in trying to achieve new clients.
Being specific is the key at this stage and the more specific you can get the more effective your ad will be.
It considering the creative for the purposes of this article we will look at the single image ad that is most common on Facebook.
The type of ad you decide to send out will also very much depend on your ideal, target client. In a lot of cases and personally from recent testing, video ads are way more engaging and in general result in greater success. However, testing a variety of ad’s would be advised to identify what works for you.
This process may appear daunting; however, I will show you in my coming video training, that it is in fact very simple and quick to set up and run.
Ad Outcome
The next thing to consider is exactly what it is you are trying to achieve.
What is your desired outcome. This usually involves an action of some kind, like clicking on a link, or a ‘Learn More ‘button.
In order to get the potential client to ‘take action’, there needs to be an appealing or enticing message or offer.
This is where the copy comes into play and should have a harmonious relationship with the image or video. The copy is associated with the wording or text of the ad. This includes Ad Headlines and Ad Description.
Getting this right is essential as it is often the first impression that a prospective customer will get of your practice. They both need to convey the same message to be effective.
Customer Attention
This leads to one of the most important factors to consider.
In modern society and with the majority of viewing being confined to mobile devices you effectively have 3 seconds to grab the attention of a potential client. From those few seconds from which your ad will be on their threshold of awareness, the closer you can connect with the person on an emotional level providing them with a solution for a particular issue or problem, the greater the chance of action being taken. You can then take the potential new client to the next stage in your ‘care funnel’.
For those few seconds, the closer you can connect them with their desired outcome the greater your chance of creating at least a prospective client but at best a client for life (the best kind).
All of these points should be factored into your next ad campaign.
If you want a step by step guide on how best to set up and run social media ads as well as specific strategies to grow your practice, then click ==>> Here <==. Drop your first name and email and get access to free resources and be the first to hear about my online training that is being released soon.
by: Alan Bryden (The Digital Practitioner)
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