What Are You Creating Next To Grow Your Business? - The Digital Practitioner

Sunday 15 April 2018

What Are You Creating Next To Grow Your Business?

Creating new things leads to growth.
Whenever I talk to business owners who want to grow their business, my question is "What are you creating to make that happen?"

Many times, they don't have an answer. Instead, they are just trying to do more of the same things. More meetings, more conversations, more sales, more customers. And if things are working well, then by all means keep doing them.
But in order to improve things in a bigger way, we have to innovate. And innovation means creating and trying new things.
Create New Things To Sell
Creating something new could mean a new product, or program, or package. Having something new to sell can open you up to customers who weren't buying your previous offer, but might be interested in something a little different.
This often happens with my clients who build online courses and training programs. They are able to sell the program to people who hadn't signed up for one-on-one services. It's a different approach, a different price point, and a different opportunity.
Having a new offer opens up conversations with people that had previously been at a dead end. It can create momentum in your business, and lead to growth in areas that didn't exist before!
Create Things To Reach More People
The best way to reach more people is to create things to help you get in front of them. This is where content comes in!

What can you create to provide value and give to people? Can you send them a blog article? Offer them a free PDF download? Invite them to an event? Engage with them through a video or audio series?
Content is a hot-button word in marketing these days because it works!
It's the best way to find and reach the people who are interested in what you do. With my clients, I recommend creating 1-4 Nurturing Content pieces each month, and one Catalyst Content piece every 12-18 weeks.
Creating content is what allows you to get in front of people on a regular basis in a positive way, rather than with the same annoying sales pitch.
Creating Systems
Another thing you can create to grow your business are systems and processes. What is your process for following up with people? What is the sequence of communications? What do you provide to build a relationship and earn their trust?
Maybe you need to create a leveraged program, sales process, or customer service system. What are the pieces of the system? Once you create it, you can use it over and over again.
So it comes down to this...
If you want to be growing, then you also have to be creating. The fastest growing businesses and individuals have time built in to create things in these categories for their business.
How about you? What are you creating next to grow your business?

by: Sarah Schwab 
Article Source: https://EzineArticles.com/expert/Sarah_Schwab/1693125

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