Content Creation Tip: 5 Smart Ways to Format Your Blog Post (So It Gets Read) - The Digital Practitioner

Tuesday 6 March 2018

Content Creation Tip: 5 Smart Ways to Format Your Blog Post (So It Gets Read)

Your battle with content creation is never-ending. You just spent the last week polishing up a stellar blog post. You want it to go viral but how?
If you want to get noticed, find your purpose.

Is it to gain more Facebook fans? Grow your email list? Get media attention? or Is it simply to stroke your ego?
Once you know the purpose of your content, find your signature style. It's what will capture your audience's attention. Start with these easy to carry out formatting tips.
1. Use A Captivating Image
Use a large, clean, high quality, eye-catching image to draw on the emotions of your readers.
If the title of your blog post is "How to End Toddler Tantrums Without Going Crazy", use an image of a toddler screaming or of a frustrated Mom looking down at her toddler on the floor.
This invokes empathy and draws the reader in.
2. Add Lots Of White Space
Have you ever read a blog post formatted like a book or an essay? Frustrating.
Reading online and on mobile devices is tiring on the eyes. Adding plenty of hard returns to your content makes it easier to read.
Don't worry about following your English teacher's rules about paragraphs. Online writing is very different from writing for school or business.
3. Make Your Heading Clear 
When brainstorming the heading answer the question "Why should I read this?" from your readers' point of view. Does it clearly state the benefit received by clicking through?
  • Here's Why You Shouldn't Believe What He Says About Your Butt
  • 7 Tips to Help You Labor Like a Princess
  • 17 Shortcuts to Internet Marketing Success 
Each headline is crystal clear about what you'll get when you click through.

4. Make Consistent Subheadings
Subheadings are mini-headings. These help explain your main topic better. Use consistent styling all throughout your blog post.
  • Use bullets or numbers not both 
  • Use the same capitalization (if you capitalize the first letter in each word do so for every subheading)
  • Use the same font
  • Consistently use bold or italics 
5. Make Your Content Share-able
Resize and edit photos for social media. Add text to explain the benefit of clicking through.
A quote, quick action step, or take away helps encourage a quick tweet on Twitter.
As you can see, formatting easy to read blog content is simple. Start with an emotionally appealing image, plenty of white space, a clear heading, consistent subheading styles, and top if off with a few quotes.
And now, I'd like to invite you to join Content for Bloggers, a community of business owners, coaches, and bloggers creating content from the heart without sacrificing sanity. We talk content creation, curation, writing, private label rights, outsourcing, and collaboration.

by: Sara Duggan 
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